“An Introvert” or “An Extrovert”
We all think its simple and easy, a person more talkative describes an extrovert and the one who seems to be shy in nature makes to the introvert category! No, That is merely the surface of the topic.
I am neither an expert nor a professional in this aspect. I am just sharing my experience in this area. I am more of a person who likes to talk about random stuff, discuss my observations and learn from yours. If you are reading this, and I was able to make you scroll till the end with my words, do leave your comments and suggestion below or any comment regarding this topic.

Lets simply start by judging which category do we fall in — “An Extrovert”, “An Introvert” or “An Ambivert”.
As I mentioned earlier as well I am not an expert these are just my views and points that I have observed in people around me that might help boost your performance along with team’s or take it a notch higher no matter you are an INTROVERT or an EXTROVERT or an AMBIVERT.
If you are one of those who gets pumped by seeing people or by being around a group of people OR are you the one who loves to grab all the attention OR Maybe someone who speaks out his/her heart OR you are someone who loves to explore new people, communicate, socialize and absolutely hate to create boundaries around you.
All those who can relate — Welcome to the land of EXTROVERTS.
Extroverts are more open people who love to interact and they are people who love to speak and share their ideas out and loud. They easily adapt to changes and work more as open boxes — Who are easy to read and adapt but easily DISTRACTED as well. They hold a huge list of friends but real ones are very less in number.
If you are one of those who gets charged up spending time alone or by reading alone or by just a walk that allows you to spend time with yourself OR are you the one who feels awkward in a group but much more comfortable in one to one conversation OR Maybe someone who has high thinking skills but doesn’t put it out in words OR you are someone who enjoys his/her “ME TIME”, loves to hear than to speak, or struggle to changes and is more happy with constants in life.
All those who can relate — Welcome to the land of INTROVERTS.
Introverts are more self-oriented people who love to interact with themselves or their minds or very few people they consider close to them. They find it quite challenging to adapt to changes and work more as closed boxes — Who are hard to read and adapt but hardly DISTURBED or DISTRACTED as well. They hold a small list of friends but all real ones. They come up as people with more concentration power as well.
Oops! you could relate to both — HELLO AMBIVERT!
Ok! You are few of those people who share or I may say switch their personality in between being an EXTROVERT to being an INTROVERT or another way around.
Ambiverts are a group of people who have their nature changing depending on the basis of people around, conditions around or their mood swings as well.
IF you are one of those who love interacting with people but need your own “ME TIME” every now and then to figure out your learning, mistake and thoughts OR you are one of those who has huge list of friends but shares life with only a few OR you are one of those who can easily adapt to changes but are extremely hard to distract once you go in your zone.
You are an ambivert who share the traits of both.

Now, as you know which section matches your personality the best. let’s see few of the points that I have noticed in me (being an extrovert) and in my friends who happen to be ambiverts and introverts as well, that made them succeed in life and work with mere changes in habits.
These happen to be just my thoughts. I would love to hear yours and your experiences on the same topic. Please do leave your suggestions below.
First thing first, Always remember if you know your team well you will perform well. SIMPLE. It’s not a complex thing you spend 9–10 hours of your day working with a bunch of people who slowly and gradually become an important part of your life and career. They make you learn new things which is hard to learn when you work alone or work in the closed environment. So, Best thing you can do to improve your performance and way of working is — KNOW YOUR TEAM!

For Extroverts :
You belong to the set of people who bring liveliness in the team. You are one who can bring the extrovert out from an Introvert. Yes, I personally believe an introvert is an extrovert to the people he connects with. You can be that person for someone.
- ENERGY! Boost their inner energy, forcing and pushing them ahead for sharing their ideas and thoughts. Which bloom beautifully inside them.
- COFFEE? Spend time with them on coffees, Lunchtime, random breaks. Try and discuss not only work topics but General day to day happenings, their experiences, their learning. This comes as a plus point to you as you will surely get to see someone’s perspective different from your on some topics and you never know you might get to learn a lot. (Being an extrovert i like to hear and see things over reading them! and practicing this habit helped me a lot.)
- BONDING! Slowly, when that person gets along with you. try and make him share same bonding with team as well. (Be slow and consistent)
HURRAY! You are adding real value to the team!
For Introverts :
You belong to the set of people who come as a surprise package to the team. Being close and open to your team and making your team as your best group of friends will always make you more comfortable and valuable to the team. Someone, once told me — “The only bad idea said is the idea which was unsaid.”. And I truly believe in this. Just imagine a situation — You got an idea in your head, what are the three basic conditions that could happen. First — YOU SAY IT AND IT’S RIGHT, Second — YOU SAY IT AND IT’S WRONG, Third — YOU DON’T SAY IT. So, just for 33.33% of it being wrong, you are losing 66.67% of the chances! Is it worth it!
- ONE TO ONE! Focus on one to one interactions and slowly move to group conversations. They will not only benefit you in terms of personality but in terms of career as well.
- DISCUSS! Discussing and interacting over different topics not only gives you a different perspective of an topic but even shows you how ideas, views and approach towards a single topic changes from person to person. This adds to your knowledge bucket.
- PREPARE! Prepare beforehand for meetings, discussions. Write down your ideas, questions, suggestions and examples. This will not only boost up your self confidence but will also make you speak up as you have your time and hard work in preparing that list.
You are the “SECRET TREASURE” of the team, who shows less and does more!
For Ambiverts :
You are LOAD BALANCERS of the team!
Because you can relate to both the extroverts and introverts you can bring wonders out of them! Be a person who shows best qualities from both the categories.
- INTERACT! interact more with introvert relating to them and explaining to them the equal importance of both ME TIME and GROUP CONVERSATIONS.
- HARD TO DISTRACT! explain an extrovert the importance of not getting easily distracted from your work and how to balance their time where they put balanced amount of time to “FOCUS ZONE” and “RELAX ZONE”.
You can act as a perfect friend to all the team members and bring out best in them along with brushing your skills and acquiring the best skills from extroverts as well as introverts.

As I have mentioned it earlier these are just my thoughts and I would love to learn about yours. Leave your comments below correcting me, suggesting me or improving me. It would mean a lot to me.
Thank you.